Sunday, November 24, 2013

Babies and Creativity

Since he was a month old, I bring my baby boy, Orion, to the studio as much as I can, which is not always the most productive thing to do.  As far as painting time goes, there are a lot of starts and stops.  A lot of 'ALMOST getting into the flow'.  But not quite.  However, those breaks - to tend to Orion - have their hidden advantages...I get to step away and move my attention elsewhere.  When I return to the painting, sometimes I see something new or suddenly know what to paint next.  Moving away from the painting frequently also helps me keep things fresh, getting me out of the 'well, that shtick worked the last three times, let's do it again' mentality.
I am looking forward to the day when he can hold a marker or a paint brush.  I'll let him go to town on a canvas and I'll use whatever he creates as my starting point. Or maybe I'll just plop him down on a big piece of butcher paper and let him finger paint.  And toe paint.  Whatever will keep him happy and occupied.

My mom recently posted a link on my wall about an artist who collaborates with her young child.  It is a perfect example of how children stretch and grow our creativity in unexpected ways.  Orion is no exception.

See the awesome collaboration here

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